Monday, May 21, 2012

Behind The Summer...

I am extremely busy these days with school, so there havent been many updates lately and things might be a bit slow here over the next few days.

I did however want to take the time to post this. I uploaded the Donna Summer: VH1 Behind The Music episode on YouTube as a  tribute to the late queen of disco. I have been listening to her music all weekend, still finding it hard to believe that she is gone. I was going to go hunting for some of her albums on vinyl about a week ago, but I didnt have the time. I did take the time however last saturday and came back home with bags of her releases on vinyl (BTW, try getting ANY of her CD's on-line these days - absolutely everything is sold out everywhere!).

I am very sad that she has gone so soon, and also that her career since the 70s has been so overlooked by the general public. She was still doing some great stuff after the 70s ended, although her popularity may have faded with time - and that voice! Here is a look back at the astonishing career of the one and only queen of disco: Miss Donna Summer.

And a look back at her Billboard Hot 100 chart history:


Jon said...

Glad you managed to get your vinyl after all - somehow I think the analogue sound would suit Miss Summer's voice better than CD... Jx

Barbarella's Galaxy said...

Thanks :) Yeah, there are some artists whose albums I try to own on vinyl as well as CD. Albums that were recorded before the late 80s were of course made for analogue, the artwork was done for the LP sized sleeves etc - so I really enjoy owning and playing them, even though I put the main focus on having every album on CD.

I love how vinyl has been making a comeback in the last few years, and I suspect that in 20 years or so out of print CD's will become even more collectable then they already are now. Everything just goes in circles, it seems...

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