Hurts were not very happy with the outcome of their concert last Sunday in Reykjavik, where the the electricty on the sound system they were using went off TWICE. As a result, the concert had to be cut short.
You can see what happened during "Evelyn":
The group has now released a statement regarding the incident:
Beautiful people of Iceland.
Thank you for your support and for welcoming us so warmly. Iceland is one of the most beautiful places in the world and the people the most beutiful.
We couldnt wait to come back and say thanks after we filmed the video for "Stay" in Vik and got such great response when we played Airwaves.
Unfortuneatly we had electrical problems during our concert on Sunday so we were forced to cut the show short. We were sad and annoyed about this, but the audience saved the show with their love and happiness. You managed to make this a night we will never forget.
We apologise for the problems and we have already started to plan another concert as soon as possible. Maybe then we will never leave Iceland.
Thank you for everything. Viva Ísland.
The statement in Icelandic as it was delivered to the Icelandic press:
„Fallega fólk á Íslandi.
Takk fyrir að hvetja okkur til dáða og bjóða okkur velkomna af öllu hjarta. Ísland er einn fallegasti staður í heimi og fólkið það fallegasta.
Við gátum ekki beðið eftir því að koma aftur og þakka fyrir okkur eftir að við tókum upp myndbandið við Stay í Vík og fengum frábærar viðtökur á Airwaves.
Því miður stríddi rafmagnið okkur á tónleikunum á sunnudaginn þannig að við neyddumst til að stytta þá. Við vorum leiðir og pirraðir yfir þessu en áhorfendur björguðu tónleikunum með ást sinni og taumlausri gleði. Þið náðuð að gera þetta að kvöldi sem við munum aldrei gleyma.
Við biðjumst afsökunar á vandræðunum og erum byrjaðir að skipuleggja aðra tónleika eins fljótt og mögulegt er. Kannski munum við þá aldrei fara aftur frá Íslandi.
Takk fyrir allt. Viva Ísland, Hurts."
Complete class act! Wonderful way to handle to whole thing, and fantastic to hear that they are already planning another concert to make up for what happened, although it wasnt even their fault. Hopefully things will turn out better then - I still need to hear "Illuminated", "Better Than Love" and the beautiful "The Water" live!

1 comment:
ABSOLUTE CLASS ACT! - they will go far...I love them even more now :)
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