Monday, December 3, 2012


It has been a while since I last posted some new/recent songs that I like. And it continues to be rather hard to find songs that I really like. But here are a few:

(I only post tracks with actual music videos/TV performances, so songs like the brand new one from Cher will be included when the video comes out)


Jon said...

I tried to like it, but RuPaul's song is a bit, um, formulaic. I know she has a TV show to promote, but there really is no need to try and sound like Keisha crossed with Sam Fox...

When it omes to Lana Del Ray, I think Charlie Hides does her better than she does herself :-) Much, much better in the battle of the moody girl-singers is our own home-grown Miss Paloma Faith! I like her.

The Killers? - well they are just U2 for a new generation, aren't they? And even a flash of Mr Bedingfield's shrivelled willy doesn't make me like his music. Loboda? Doing a ballad in Russian? Hmmm. Needless to say you don't even need to guess how much I despise Rihanna, so Mr Barsikh is out of the window too.

Anyhoo, on to the good stuff (apart from Miss Faith). Father Tiger are rather fab, and you know I adore DeLaDap! Miss Goulding's in a bit of a Cyndi-meets-Abba-esque phase which is no bad thing. So, DeLaDap aside, the best of the bunch has to be Electric Lady Lab (again!). I fully expect to hear this on Gaydar Radio any moment...


Barbarella's Galaxy said...

I like Paloma a lot, but I must say I prefer Miss Rey (I adore her album). But to be fair, I have only heard Miss Faith's debut album so far, which is excellent.

The Killers vs U2? Well, give me The Killers anytime. I don't like all of their stuff but some if it has been very good, and I love Brandon Flowers (well, his voice at least).

I can not STAND Rihanna, which is why I make sure to never, ever hear any of her songs. I love Max though, so I was very surprised that I actually loved the song (I'm sure it is dreadful with that way overrated tart though).

I love Father Tiger - their cover of "Safe And Sound" (by Taylor Swift originally) is amazing. Another case of a cover that works a lot better then the original, hit version it seems. This particular track here is one of their best, and I like the video a lot.

Electric Lady lab can do no wrong in my books (just compare their stuff with the dreadful new song from Infernal - I was very disappointed).

Jon said...

Just checked out Infernal's "Can't Go Back" on YouTube - you are so right! Terrible sub-GaGa rubbish song, and crap video featuring a couple of Swedish people in their 30s pretending they are NY rebel gangstas? How embarrassing. Nice jewelled jacket, though :-)

Barbarella's Galaxy said...

Yes, that video does not help! Don't know what the hell they were thinking (although this smell of record company demands - especially since their last album bombed...)

Jon said...

Sad... Jx

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