Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Time now for a lady who, for some reason, has not been featured much in the Galaxy, despite being one of my favorite divas. So here she is with the Song Of The Day: Miss Janet Jackson!

"When I Think Of You" was released in the summer of 1986 as the third single from her breakthrough album Control. The song became Janet's first number one single in the US and her second top ten hit in the UK. The song did well worldwide and helped sales of the album eventually reach around 15 million copies.

It can be easy to dismiss Janet. She doesn't' have much of a voice, she rarely sings live and I must admit that during the 90s I was quite tired of her and most of her music (*bows head in shame*), despite having loved her in the 80s. However, after listening to her body of work a few years back and discovering her most recent albums I became a huge fan again. She has a lot of great album tracks, she uses her voice (and fame) well, and most importantly: after the likes of plastic pop stars such as Britney Spears, one can really appreciate what Janet brought to the game!

There have been rumors that Janet has quit the music business after her recent marriage. I for one hope she'll be back! Her time as a massive force in the music business may be somewhat over, but her last album went number one in the US and there is still a big audience out there for her.

But for now, here is a very, very young Janet. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do ;)


Thunderbitch said...

There is my girl :) I love her so much, like you should know by now :) I know she doesn't have the strongest of voices but I do love her live shows and her dancing is superb :)


Jon said...

She never quite recovered after the ridiculous furore about her "wardrobe malfunction" did she? In the States, the Puritans went completely OTT. Here in the UK, it barely raised a titter (geddit?). Jx

Barbarella's Galaxy said...

That whole wardrobe thing was beyond ridiculous! A shame really.

Thunderbitch darling, you were so right to stick with her during the late 90s when I was so tired of her. I love her concerts as well. And I have actually been listening to her debut album from 1982, bought in on CD recently. It is much better then I expected (although it's no "Rhythm Nation");)

You got the last laugh, Janet-wise sweetie! ;) Hugs!

Thunderbitch said...

Yeabbs I enjoyed her first album of course it's no Rhythm Nation, god I love the dance routine to Rhythm Nation and If.

Barbarella's Galaxy said...

Oh, as you know I always do the dance routine to "If" while I'm grocery shopping. It's just so much more fun then walking...

Barbarella's Galaxy said...

BTW sweetie darling - do you have "Dream Street" on CD? It is a bit hard to come by so I don't have it yet, might buy the LP until I get it on CD. I heard the title track for the first time a few days ago, love it!

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